Prime Minister Narendra Modi, addressing a rally at the Japanese Park in Rohini, criticised the Aam Aadmi Party, labelling its decade-long rule as a "disaster" and accusing it of corruption and neglecting Delhi's development. PM Modi pledged to continue welfare programmes, including free electricity, women's free bus travel, and healthcare schemes, if the Bharatiya Janata Party comes to power.

He accused the AAP of splurging public money on renovating the Chief Minister’s residence, which reportedly cost over ₹33.66 crore ($4 million), surpassing its original budget of ₹7.91 crore ($950,000). PM Modi also noted alleged failures in implementing public housing and health schemes, urging voters to support the Bharatiya Janata Party for a "double-engine government" to transform Delhi into a modern global city.

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