Prime Minister Narendra Modi attended Christmas celebrations at the residence of Minister of State for Minority Affairs George Kurian Thursday evening and interacted with leaders of the Christian community in Delhi. Kurian, who hails from Kerala, is expected to help Modi woo the state's influential Christian electorate, which accounts for 18 per cent of the total population. The BJP had opened its account in Kerala during the 2024 Lok Sabha polls largely with the help of Christian voters in the Thrissur Parliamentary constituency.

On Easter day last year, PM Modi visited the Sacred Heart Cathedral Church in New Delhi. The move by PM Modi to visit the cathedral was viewed as a major outreach to the Christian community. It was the first time Modi as PM visited a church.

The Indian Express had then reported, citing sources, that PM Modi’s decision to visit the Cathedral was motivated by the party’s performance in Christian-dominated states like Meghalaya and Nagaland. The move was also argued to be a tactic to woo the Kerala population ahead of the 2024 Lok Sabha polls.

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