Following Trinamool Congress' alliance with the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), Jammu & Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah challenged the relevance of a combined opposition in the country on Thursday. He said the INDIA bloc should be dissolved if it was just for the central elections.
He pointed out that there is no clarity about the leadership of the bloc and that no discussions have been conducted to devise a plan for the future. He was responding to Rashtriya Janata Dal leader Tejashwi Yadav's comment that the bloc was only made for general assembly elections.
“A meeting of INDIA bloc should be held after the Delhi polls to provide clarity. They should wind up the alliance in case it was just for Lok Sabha polls” - Omar Abdullah
Farooq Abdullah, the head of the National Conference, on Thursday differed with his son Omar's opinions about the INDIA bloc. Farooq asserted that the bloc "is permanent" just hours after the J&K CM proposed disbanding the alliance if it was merely intended for the Lower House polls.