Om Prakash Chautala, President of the Indian National Lok Dal (INLD), passed away in Gurugram on Friday at the age of 89. The former Haryana Chief Minister suffered a cardiac arrest at his home and was rushed to hospital but could not be saved. Chautala, son of former Deputy Prime Minister Chaudhary Devi Lal, served as Haryana's Chief Minister five times, including two consecutive terms from 1999 to 2005.

Chautala was convicted in a recruitment scam and had served a 10-year prison sentence in Delhi's maximum security Tihar jail. As the Chief Minister of Haryana and the son of the country's Deputy Prime Minister, he courted controversy over a rigged election in 1990, where reporters and photographers were beat up by Haryana policemen. He was also once arrested at the Delhi airport for trying to smuggle in watches.

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