Elon Musk expressed his approval of the Shiv Sena (UBT) MP Priyanka Chaturvedi’s post on X. The post objects to the UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer using the generic term ‘Asian’ in the context of the child sexual abuse scandal raging in the UK.

In a social media post on X, Chaturvedi argued that "they aren't ASIAN Grooming Gangs but PAKISTANI grooming gangs."

Soon after, Elon Musk reacted to the post and said, "True." Elon Musk has been running an online campaign against the UK government, criticising its decisions and mismanagement on multiple issues.

British Indian and other Asian communities in the UK have been voicing their frustrations with the UK PM. Community leaders have criticised him for using the term "Asian grooming gangs" recently, claiming that it unfairly links the broad Asian population to crimes that are primarily committed by people of Pakistani origin.

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