BJP candidate Ramesh Bidhuri, fielded against Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Chief Minister Atishi, drew heavy flak for his misogynistic comments against Congress MP Priyanka Gandhi Vadra. He said he would build roads in the Kalkaji constituency that would look like Priyanka's “cheeks.”
Congress spokesperson Supriya Shrinate labelled Bidhuri’s comments “shameful” while accusing the BJP of having an “anti-women mindset.” Bidhuri replied that his intention was not to insult anyone.
Arvind Kejriwal, the AAP leader, posted a video allegedly showing Bidhuri "hurling derogatory remarks" against CM Atishi. He said, “the people of Delhi will not tolerate the insult of a woman CM.”
Opposition leader and former Bihar Chief Minister Lalu Prasad Yadav had once during an election rally famously promised that he would make Bihar's terrible roads look like Hema Malini's cheeks. Hema Malini the popular actor of the 1970s is a BJP Parliamentarian.