The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led Mahayuti alliance is locked in discussions over Maharashtra’s next Chief Minister after its victory in the state elections. With former Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis backed by the BJP and the Ajit Pawar-led Nationalist Congress Party (NCP), Shiv Sena legislators remain committed to Eknath Shinde, who stepped down today as the Assembly’s tenure ended.
The BJP, holding 132 seats, needs just one ally to secure the 145-seat majority in the 288-member Assembly, reducing Shinde’s influence. Amid the uncertainty, Shinde called for restraint among his supporters gathering at Varsha, the Chief Minister’s official residence, and expressed confidence in the alliance’s continuity.
Shiv Sena leaders cited precedents from Bihar and Haryana to support Shinde’s retention, while BJP leaders, including Pravin Darekar, pointed to the mandate favouring Fadnavis.