Home Minister Amit Shah on Tuesday launched the Bharatpol portal, allowing law enforcement agencies in India to seek Interpol assistance directly. Previously limited to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), the new system will improve coordination between central, state, and union territory police for issuing Red Corner Notices and other
by PublisherHighlights include the Army grounding Dhruv helicopters for safety checks, the US lifting nuclear trade curbs on Indian entities, and Delhi set to announce election dates today.
by PublisherAt least 95 people were killed and over 130 injured after six earthquakes, including a magnitude 7.1 tremor on the Richter scale, struck Tibet-Nepal border within an hour on Tuesday, causing widespread destruction in the region. The quake struck with its epicentre in Tibet, around 93 km northeast of
by PublisherOn Monday, the University Grants Commission (UGC) released its 2025 draft regulations that open the doors for non-academics to become Vice-Chancellors of universities. Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan while releasing the document said, "by promoting flexibility, inclusivity and recognising diverse talents, we are paving the way for a dynamic academic
by PublisherThe United States will remove long-standing restrictions on Indian nuclear entities to facilitate deeper civil nuclear cooperation with American companies, said US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan on Monday. Sullivan highlighted the move as essential for realising the full potential of the 2008 India-US civil nuclear deal. Formal delisting of
by PublisherDelhi had eight lakh new voters added to the electoral just in the last one year. According to the data shared by the Chief Electoral Officer's (CEO) office, around five lakh more applications are still pending with the CEO's office. The Election Commission announced the Delhi
by PublisherA Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) analysis reported by The Times of India reveals Delhi's annual PM2.5 concentration rose by 3.4% to 104.7 micrograms per cubic metre in 2024, reversing a declining trend seen from 2018 to 2022. The winter PM2.5 average for
by PublisherThe Congress on Monday announced the 'Pyari Didi Yojana,' a scheme offering ₹2,500 (approximately $30) monthly to women if the party comes to power in Delhi. Modeled after a similar initiative in Karnataka, the scheme aims to financially empower women. Karnataka Deputy Chief Minister DK Shivakumar assured
by Publisher