Delhi Briefing is an independent publication launching in late 2024. If you subscribe today, you'll get free access to the website as well as the Morning Briefing every week day.

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Cut through the noise, with news you can use

Our subscribers get concise news about what matters to them, all the political developments from Delhi that could impact business and investment decisions. The legislative and policy agenda, regulatory risks and opportunities. Insight into ministerial thinking and the future direction of the government. Objective and authoritative information free of partisanship and vested interests, that you can rely on.

Our journalists aim

  • To honestly explain what is happening in Indian parliamentary politics to the best of our ability.
  • To provide a comprehensive understanding of the government's policy intentions and legislative agenda, ministerial goals and the administrative bureaucracy’s priorities. 
  • To accurately report what has happened, break news as it happens and analyse the implications for the future.
  • To apply our expertise and knowledge to the known facts for the benefit of our readers by giving them clarity and insight into the complex dynamics of Delhi politics.
  • To make our subscribers the best informed they can be.

Content published © Indo-Irish Investments Inc.